New Signs let travelers know of old Highway 61 route...

Read this recent article from the Vicksburg Post featuring 61 Coffeehouse owner, Daniel Boone.


Delta Magazine says we're cool...

The May - June issue of Delta Magazine is out, and in an article called the Coolest Coffeehouses in the Mississippi Delta they say:

High octane coffee meets serious art inside Highway 61 Coffeehouse, located on the ground floor of Attic Gallery - the acclaimed Mississippi art gallery now going on (36) years. Real-deal coffee beans from Costa Rica and Nicaragua are roasted (in Atlanta) and arrive every (Thursday) but the attitude inside this coffeehouse original, named for the celebrated Blues Highway, is all Mississippi! Amid work from some of the state's most reputable artists, creativity is always a brewing at Highway 61 Coffeehouse, as seen by the many coffee inspired haikus penned by regulars and baristas...

Click to read the article online.

Thanks to Delta Magazine for the kind words (and the full page photo).

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