"Could be a spoonful of coffee, could be a spoonful of tea, But one little spoon of your precious love is good enough for me" - Willie Dixon.


Lee H. & Boones - Unannounced performance...

For security reasons we have withheld this information until now, but I have been advised that at last the truth can be told:

Join us for a
totally secret and unannounced

performance by

Lee H. Abraham and the Boone Brothers - (quirky originals and sincere covers)

(No one else knows about this, so you should be able to get a good seat.)

Thursday, July 31

The music will start about 7:30
(or whenever you get there)

Highway 61 Coffeehouse
1101 Washington Street
downtown Vicksburg


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"Way too much coffee. But if it weren't for the coffee, I'd have no identifiable personality whatsoever" - David Letterman.