"This incredible Highway, that starts in Thunder Bay Ontario and runs down to New Orleans, is a very big symbol in American music because Jazz travelled up the Mississippi which Highway 61 parallels for a good part of its route. Jazz came up the river. Blues came up the river. A lot of great basic American culture came right up that highway and up that river" - Robert Shelton.


Another 61 haiku...

This gem appeared through the electronic mail. It was composed by a mocha fiend:

A sublime grind house
fueling deviant desires.
I become manic.



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"Suave molecules of Mocha stir up your blood, without causing excess heat; the organ of thought receives from it a feeling of sympathy; work becomes easier and you will sit down without distress to your principal repast which will restore your body and afford you a calm, delicious night" - Prince Tallyrand.